Lot n° : 123 | Estimation : 700 - 900€
WILLIAMSON (Captain Thomas). Oriental Field Sports ; being a complete, detailed and accurate description of the wild sports of the East ; and exhibiting, in a novel and interesting manner, the natural history of the elephant, the rhinoceros, the tiger, the leopard, the bear, the deer, the buffalo, the wolf, the wild hog, the jackall, the wild dog, the civet, and other domesticated animals ; as likewise the different species of feathered game, fishes and serpents. The whole interspersed with a variety of original, authentic, and curious anecdotes. Taken from the manuscipt and designs of Captain Thomas Williamson who served upwards of twenty years in Bengal. The drawings by Samuel HOWITT… London, Edward Orme, 1807.
2 tomes en un vol. grand in-4 (34 x 25 cm) demi-basane brune à coins, dos à nerfs ornés, titre doré (reliure de l'époque).
Seconde édition, in-4, après l'édition originale in-folio oblong. 2 frontispices gravés en bistre et 25 planches aquarellées hors texte sur 40 (il manque les planches 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 10, 13, 14, 15, 19, 20, 25, 27, 28). Il manque les pp. 105 à 112 et 185 à 192 au volume I et les pp. 209 à 216 au vol. II. Plusieurs feuillets détachés. Rare.
Dos et coins très frottés, cuir manquant aux coins inf., rousseurs.
Lot n° : 123
Adjuge : 550 €
WILLIAMSON (Captain Thomas). Oriental Field Sports ; being a complete, detailed and accurate description of the wild sports of the East ; and exhibiting, in a novel and interesting manner, the natural history of the elephant, the rhinoceros, the tiger, the leopard, the bear, the deer, the buffalo, the wolf, the wild hog, the jackall, the wild dog, the civet, and other domesticated animals ; as likewise the different species of feathered game, fishes and serpents. The whole interspersed with a variety of original, authentic, and curious anecdotes. Taken from the manuscipt and designs of Captain Thomas Williamson who served upwards of twenty years in Bengal. The drawings by Samuel HOWITT… London, Edward Orme, 1807.
2 tomes en un vol. grand in-4 (34 x 25 cm) demi-basane brune à coins, dos à nerfs ornés, titre doré (reliure de l'époque).
Seconde édition, in-4, après l'édition originale in-folio oblong. 2 frontispices gravés en bistre et 25 planches aquarellées hors texte sur 40 (il manque les planches 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 10, 13, 14, 15, 19, 20, 25, 27, 28). Il manque les pp. 105 à 112 et 185 à 192 au volume I et les pp. 209 à 216 au vol. II. Plusieurs feuillets détachés. Rare.
Dos et coins très frottés, cuir manquant aux coins inf., rousseurs.